Monday, January 10, 2011

Info Repositiory

Today I created a Google website to hold build information and material that I want to keep a little more confidential.

Of course I realise foremost I need to protect Ian's plans and copyright from disclosure but I do want them available to me anywhere, anytime, at least in part as a low res electronic version, so I'll use the site for that.  Mainly though, I wanted a place to keep copies of information I glean from the web so that it doesn't clutter the Crossbow build blog with too much superfluous stuff.

Moreover, out of respect (not the least for their copyright) and not wanting to republish material from other boat builders on the blog, particularly F-32 builders, I'll keep the site private but for maybe some invited guests and collaborators.  Of major concern is that I am noticing material seems to be disappearing from useful websites as they age, broken links and pictures disappearing, etc. It is gracious of previous builders to have put that material up there and I'll likely derive great benefit from it.  By the time I finish this project those websites will be another 6 or more years older and likely more degraded. In the meantime I'm betting that Google will still be around offering free websites until then.

So beginning the process today of sucking content to my collection mirror. I have found some material using the Wayback machine but its not perfect (what a great invention - (Google take note!!). I'll start linking to some of these usefull sites as well, in the RHS column unless the authors object.

I'd invite readers to propose link resources if they like.

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